Orphanet Nomenclature Helpdesk available online
A page with general information on the Orphanet Nomenclature production and maintenance and links for further reading is available: http://www.rd-code.eu/helpdesk/
Moreover a page dedicated to answering questions related to the Orphanet nomenclature content and the implementation of ORPHA codes in Health Information Systems is now avaialble here: http://www.rd-code.eu/github/
For this purpose, an online ticketing system that allows requests to be stored, tracked and made available to others has been set up. This system facilitates an agile and interactive workflow.
Finally a page where can be found tools which will provide the computable information necessary to achieve implementation of ORPHAnumbers in Health Information Systems, and ensure easier and accurate coding is available here: http://www.rd-code.eu/tools/
And soon a FAQ page will be also available!