Orphanet data Visualisation tool available!
Web-based applications development by Orphanet was foreseen during this project to facilitate the informatic access to nomenclature data and allow flexible implementation into the various IT systems in use in the different countries and/or settings.
An API https://api.orphacode.org/ , was released as a beta version in December 2019 (API for visualisation of Orphanet Nomenclature Deliverable 4.2) and then the official release and upgrade was made in June 2020 (Facility for ORPHA nomenclature correspondence, Deliverable 4.5). The Orphanet Data visualisation tool https://dataviz.orphacode.org/ is delivered in December 2020. All interrogations exploit the above-mentioned Orphanet API also released within this project, showing at the same time the nice exploitation potential of the Orphanet API. This tool allows to search for the clinical entities (groups of disorders, disorders, sub-types) that are present in the nomenclature pack (here) in all the API languages. Find out more info about the tool here.